Public education and awareness of wildfire prevention is extremely important to reduce wildfire occurrence in the Central Pine Barrens, since the majority of wildfires are caused by people. The Commission, through its Wildfire Task Force, carries out various wildfire prevention initiatives that include the distribution of informational brochures and fact sheets, providing informative presentations to local civic and homeowner associations about how their homes can survive a wildfire by creating “defensible spaces” through Firewise measures, and how to be prepared in a wildfire emergency through programs such as Ready Set Go.
Fun programs such as those featuring Smokey Bear and Sparky the Fire Dog, Firewise bingo, school initiatives and local fire truck demonstrations help engage children and adults alike on what they can do to prevent wildfire.
Homeowners can learn how to better protect their home and family from wildfire by reading this booklet as they walk around their home and property and also by viewing the video below.
To learn more about wildfire prevention in the Central Pine Barrens and to obtain copies of wildfire prevention materials, visit our online document library or please feel free to contact firemanagement@pb.state.ny.us with any questions.